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*****IMPORTANT**** A compter du 03/08/23 le forum n'est accessible qu'en lecture seule et ce, jusqu'à fin août.


The forum of the French association of diabetic women presents its charter of use. Registration and use of our forum implies the reading and full acceptance of this charter.

This site is hosted by 1&1 Internet SARL, 7, place de la Gare BP 70109 57201 Sarreguemines Cedex. In accordance with the law, the identification details of the association and the manager have been communicated to them.
In case of complaint about the content of this site, comment or ticket, you can send an email from the contact tab of this site.

The law allows you to contact the host directly at this address: 1&1 Internet SARL - Notification of illegal content - 7, place de la Gare BP 70109 57201 Sarreguemines Cedex, and by telephone from Monday to Friday from 8am to 7pm on 0970 808 911 (not surcharged) or by fax on 03 87 95 99 72
You can also send an e-mail to [email protected]

Article 6, I, 4° of Law 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 states that "The fact that any person presents content or an activity to the [site hosts] as illicit with the aim of obtaining its removal or stopping its distribution, when he or she knows this information to be inaccurate, is punishable by a one-year prison sentence and a fine of 15,000 EUR.

- This site is an information and services site in French.
- Access to the site for simple consultation is free and anonymous.
- Anonymous visitors can only access a very small part of the files and documents put online.
- Registered members have the possibility to access all or part of the site according to the authorisations granted by the administrator.
- Members have access to all the advanced features of the forum as well as to parts specially reserved for them.
- Registration is done by simply creating a free member account, you then accept the terms of use governed by this document. You must also accept cookies. This site distributes 7 cookies exclusively intended to manage your session on the forum. If you wish to unsubscribe, you can contact the webmaster by email who will do so as soon as possible.
- Membership of the Diabetic Women's Association is available online or by post. You will find all the information on this page.
- By default, the member receives the newsletter of the association. It is possible to unsubscribe at any time via the unsubscribe link inserted in the newsletter.

This site is subject to French law and complies with the RGPD

- You can only post comments if you are registered on the site. The registration is without any commitment of any kind, it simply allows the webmaster to control the flow of visitors. Registration does not constitute membership and some forum functions will be limited. For more information, please contact us.

We ask you to please :
- Respect the subject of each article or forum.
- Choose a title that accurately summarizes the topic in the body of your message, if the opportunity arises.
- Respect the rules of courtesy and good conduct.
- Do not engage in any act that may be punishable by law: that is pornographic, paedophilic or zoophilic, that threatens one or more persons, that proposes or incites computer hacking, that is slanderous, defamatory, offensive, racist or incites to be racist, that contains anti-constitutional propaganda, that calls for public disorder.
- To respect the laws in force, particularly with regard to counterfeiting.
- Express yourself in French.
- Make a certain effort on spelling in order to facilitate reading for other members.
- Links are not allowed from the outset. However, the administrator may validate them if they are not for advertising purposes. A URL is proposed to you in order to make known your personal web site, and exclusively for that. The webmaster also reserves the right to remove a comment that has no other objective than to play on the dofollow strategy that prevails here.

- As the moderators of this site have chosen to trust the members, the moderation is done a posteriori. Messages are therefore posted directly, without prior intervention by the moderators, administrators or the webmaster. This makes it possible to shorten the response time to a problem and to make the activity more fluid.

- The moderators are the site administrators.

Is likely to be moved :
- Any message that is not in keeping with the subject of the site.

It may be deleted without notice:
- Any message that is not in line with the subject of the site.
- Any message that does not comply with the above-mentioned clauses. Users may request moderation of a topic or post by sending a private message containing the URL of the post in question to the moderators, administrators or webmaster. After notification of abuse, the moderators and administrators will try, as far as possible, to react in the shortest possible time to put an end to it.
- In case of obvious and serious abuse of the site (intensive publication, spam, acts against the law), the author may be banned from the site without notice until he has given a credible explanation for his action.

A message posted online can be deleted at any time by its author. Next to each message is an icon provided for this purpose (Edit/Delete posted comments or messages). The moderators also have the possibility of doing so if they consider the message not to be in conformity with the rules set out above.

The comments and messages posted are under the responsibility of their authors who remain the owners of their publications, so the representatives of the site decline all responsibility for the content of these messages. The authors are responsible for the content of their posts and for any consequences arising from them.

About the copyright:
The author of a work of the mind has in the first place economic rights on his work, it is about the rights of representation, reproduction and the right of continuation.
It is accepted that making intellectual works available online is subject to the rules governing the author's rights over his work.
Under Article L 122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code, "any representation or reproduction in whole or in part made without the consent of the author or his successors in title is unlawful".
The author's right of reproduction thus allows him to oppose "any material fixation of the work by any process that allows it to be communicated to the public indirectly" (Article L122-3 paragraph 1 of the Intellectual Property Code).
Moreover, the act of reproduction can be carried out even if the medium is changed.
Thus, as early as 1985, the Court of Cassation recognised, for example, that the appearance of a painting in an advertisement constitutes an illicit reproduction and therefore an infringement of copyright (Court of Cassation, 15 October 1985).
It is therefore clear that if you reproduce a work on a website without the author's consent, this reproduction will be deemed illegal and you will therefore be an infringer. (Source)

Site managers are required by law to keep data allowing the identification of the author of a comment or message, so this information will be kept by the server. The data includes the date and time of the publication of the message as well as the IP address and the name of the author (if he is a member) of the message. In the event of an obvious offence committed via a message that has not been censored by the moderators, the site's webmaster is obliged to provide this information to the judicial or administrative authorities who may request it by means of a letter rogatory.

This is, of course, the only case in which this information will not be kept confidential.

The messages posted on the site are likely to be referenced and indexed by certain search engines. It is therefore possible that the engines will archive them in order to facilitate searches in their respective databases. When a moderated message is deleted from the site, it may remain in the cache of a search engine for some time without the site administrators or moderators being able to purge it.

The site's administrators decline all responsibility in this case as well, since they have taken the necessary steps, at their level, to remove this message from the Internet.

In addition, the member who decides to write a message and to attach an attachment to it must be aware of the consequences in terms of electronic footprint. It is the responsibility of the message writer to ensure that their writing and attachments are consistent with the level of privacy they intend to adopt on the Internet.

By entering this site, you fully agree to everything that has been stated in supa and you undertake not to use the information contained on this site in any way that may conflict with your local laws as well as with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ethics and morality, and not to take legal action against people who may have done so. If you do not understand a word or a sentence of this text, called Charter but also "disclaimer" or "netiquette" of the site, you must leave this site now.

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